

2024-02-27 来源: 责任编辑:xn_fmae 作者:查看:


姓名: 苏辰


属系 材料工程系



2014.09-2022.10 重庆大学材料科学与工程学院  博士

2022.10- bat365在线平台材料与能源学 讲师




参与国家重点自然科学基金重庆市人社局基金等多项科研项目。已在Journal of manufacturing process, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Materials Science

& Engineering A等国内外知名期刊上发表SCI学术论文篇。申请授权专利2项。




[1] C Su, Y hen, P Yu, M Song, W Chen, SF Guo, Linking the thermal characteristics and mechanical properties of Fe-based bulk metallic glasses, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 663 2016: 867-871.

[2] C Su, JF Wang, H Hu, YL Wen, SJ Liu, K Ma, Enhanced strength and corrosion resistant of Mg-Gd-Y-Al alloys by LPSO phases with different Al content, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 885 2021: 160557.

[3] C Su, JF Wang, LJ Zeng, H. Hu, SJ Liu, The high cycle fatigue property of Mg-Gd-Y-Zn-Mn alloy enhanced by LPSO phase, Materials Letters, 304 2021: 130367.

[4] C Su, JF Wang, JC Li, HY Li, Z Zhao, Mechanical and corrosion performance of Mg alloy via 3DP by full liquid phase sintering, Powder Technology, 399 2022: 117138.

[5] C Su, JF Wang, HY Li, ZP You, JC Li, Binder-jetting additive manufacturing of Mg alloy densified by two-step sintering process, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 72 2021: 71-79.

[6] C Su, JF Wang, HY Li, ZP You, JC Li, High strength and rapid solution Mg alloy by adding Fe element fabricated by binder jetting additive manufacturing, Journal of Manufacturing Processes 84 2022: 652-659.

[7] SF Guo, C Su, JX Cui, J Li, GN Li, M Zhang, N Li, Effects of B addition on glass forming ability and thermal behavior of FePC-based bulk metallic glasses, 24 2017: 442-447.

[8] SF Guo, C Su, Micro/nano ductile-phases reinforced Fe-based bulk metallic glass matrix composite with large plasticity, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 707 2017: 44-50.


[1] 王敬丰苏辰李军超李竑芸刘世杰,一种镁合金3D增材制造高粘全液相烧结方法,专利号:ZL 202110178226.0.

[2] 王敬丰苏辰马凯李竑芸代朝能王金星,一种井下暂堵工具用高强快速溶解镁合金的3DP制备工艺,专利号:ZL 202111082010.0.